Five years ago, ex-glamor model Claire Stoneman brought home a Great Dane puppy. “I got him a couple of weeks early because he wasn’t eating off his mum,” she said. He was the runt of the litter. She had no idea he would grow to be the biggest dog on the planet!
Claire, who lives in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, England, is single, and happy with her four-footed children, Freddie and his sister, Fleur (a larger-than-normal sized Great Dane). ”I admit, he has gotten in the way of my love life,” she smiled.

Freddie is so big he can easily open drawers to get himself a treat, according to Claire. His favorite foods are whole chickens and peanut butter on toast. His owner says she spends more than £12,500 ($15,535.00) a year feeding Freddie and his sister.
Before Freddie decided that couches are more comfortable to sleep on, he ate 26 of them! Now he likes to curl up on one with his owner. She says that sitting beside him is like trying to cuddle with a baby elephant.
Claire admits to having to get up early to take him for his walk in the morning. “We can’t go more than five minutes without being stopped,” she says. “People pull over in their cars to look at him.” She’s afraid if he ever started running after another dog she wouldn’t be able to stop him.
Last year, the Guinness Book of World Records declared Freddie the tallest dog on the planet, standing at 1.035 m (7 feet, 5.5 inches) on his hind legs. He weighs 14.5 stone (over 200 pounds). Guinness presented Claire with a certificate, making his status as the world’s tallest dog official in September of 2016.
That’s amazing in itself, but what’s even more astounding is this: Freddie is still growing!
Here's video footage of Freddy:
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