Man traded a beer for a dog and gained a motorcycle partner. Just watch this priceless video

Many years ago, Gary Miller had an unexpected and unusual encounter that lost him a beer but gave him a best friend for life. That best friend – the four-legged variety – became not only his companion but also a fellow motorcycle rider and enthusiast.
Miller owned a Labrador retriever-pit bull mix whom he named, simply, "Dog." Dog accompanied Miller everywhere, including moving with him from California to North Carolina when Miller decided to study to be a gunsmith.
"He [Dog] always goes with me, wherever I go. [...] That's my boy," said Miller. When Miller said anywhere, he meant it. Dog was always by his side, even at gunsmithing school. But to get Dog to school, Miller's canine buddy had to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
It took some time and practice, but Dog eventually learned how to hop up on the bike behind Miller and to hold on by putting his paws and legs over Miller's shoulders. Then Dog crouches behind Miller for the whole bike ride.
Miller insisted that Dog was never merely a passenger but a kindred spirit who loved the feeling of being on the motorcycle. "He's on there," Miller explained. "He's gripping my shoulders with both hands. Sometimes I can feel his dew claws clawing in my neck."
This method was somewhat trial-and-error, as one time the bike's chain broke, the rear wheel locked up and Dog went flying to the ground. He learned to hold on much more tightly after that incident, and for a while Miller and Dog, complete with goggles, were quite the sight around Troy, N.C.
But how Miller acquired Dog is almost as interesting as the canine's biking abilities. One day in California, a man offered to trade Dog for one of Miller's beers, and Miller agreed without hesitation. Man and dog were inseparable from that moment forward.
Watch the classic video below of Miller and Dog riding around town, and share this story with your friends and family on Facebook.